One.Two.Three Photography


Namaste at Valley VNA Senior Care

Fun Fact: Working with clients through One.Two.Three Photography is not my only career!

I found a strong passion for Dementia care when I started working as a caregiver in college at a place that was memory care specific. I actually switched my major from Graphic Communications Management to Business Administration. I kept my Applied Photography minor though 🙂 

Long story short- with all the moving back and forth between New London, Menomonie and Eau Claire. I found an organization that has a mission and vision that I believe in 100%. Valley VNA Senior Care in Neenah, WI goes above and beyond. I have learned so much as the Community Outreach Coordinator and I still get to utilize my passion for photography in specific projects. 

Namaste Care is one of the many life enrichment activities that Valley VNA offers. It’s all about the quality of life here. Not just counting heads in beds. This organization is family and the amount of compassion that the caregivers and the whole team has will always give me that teary feeling.

Namaste Care, founded by Joyce Simard is something that can help strengthen the quality of life for an individual. “Namaste Care™ is a program designed to improve the quality of life for people with advanced dementia. Namaste, is a Hindu term meaning “to honor the spirit within” and was selected to describe a program that brings honor to people who can no longer tell us who they are or who they were or care for themselves without assistance.”-

From a hand massage, the words “I love you,” to sounds that help you feel relaxed and at peace, this program is beautifully created and has shown to improve many areas of ones life.






Namaste at Valley VNA Senior Care
